
Ebuka Anieto

Lecturer in Physiotherapy

+44 (0)1473 339046
School of Allied Health Sciences
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Ebuka Anieto is a Lecturer in Physiotherapy, and Researcher. Ebuka has worked as an Academic

Tutor, and Research Fellow at another higher education institution in the UK, and has worked as a

Physiotherapist in various health care settings including primary, secondary, and tertiary care

settings in Nigeria. Ebuka will also be starting a part-time role as a Specialist Community

Physiotherapist within the NHS.

Ebuka has a master’s degree in physiotherapy (with distinction) from the University of Cape Town,

South Africa, and a Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy) with Honours degree from

the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Furthermore, he is completing a PhD at the Glasgow Caledonian

University, and his research is focused on co-creating interventions to improve physical activity

performance in individuals with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication.

Ebuka brings to the ¹ú²úÊÓƵ his previous experience as an Academic Tutor at another

higher education institution where he developed and applied research-informed teaching methods

to promote student engagement, application skills, and cognitive development. His specialty

subjects include Advanced Research Methods, and Evidence-based Physiotherapy. Ebuka is also

experienced in supervising students for their undergraduate BSc dissertations, and post-graduate

MSc dissertations.

At his previous institution, Ebuka was nominated for a teaching award in June 2023 for the award

category of ‘Super Support (Teaching)’ as a result of his very supportive style of teaching. Ebuka's

resolve is to keep using his skills to support students through their learning experience in becoming

excellent healthcare professionals.

Research interests

Ebuka's research interest is broad and cuts across various disciplines. However, he is primarily keen

on synthesizing evidence on the management of chronic conditions using complex interventions.

Ebuka is also keen on using non-conventional research designs including co-creation and other

participatory health research methods to develop bespoke health interventions.

Current projects

- A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of co-created interventions in

improving health behaviours and health outcomes of adults with non-communicable diseases.

- Co-creation of an intervention to increase physical activity in individuals with peripheral

arterial disease and intermittent claudication; CREATE ¹ú²úÊÓƵ.

- Research project with Paediatric Cancer Rehabilitation Network, a subgroup of the International

Society of Paediatric Oncology: Mapping the availability of rehabilitation programmes for

paediatrics with cancer in low- and middle-income countries.

Research skills

Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews, and Data analysis.

Publications Published peer-reviewed journal articles

Anieto EM, Abaraogu UO, Dall PM, Anieto IB, Ogbueche CM, Seenan C (2023). Co-creators’ experiences and effectiveness of co-created interventions in improving health behaviours of adults with non-communicable diseases: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open.

Anieto EM, Anieto IB, Ituen OA, Naidoo N, Ezema CI, Smits-Engelsman B (2023). The relationship between kinaesthesia, motor performance, physical fitness and joint mobility in children living in Nigeria. BMC Pediatrics. doi:10.1186/s12887-023-04348-9

Ituen OA, Anieto EM, Ferguson G, Duysens J, Smits-Engelsman B (2023). Prevalence and demographic distribution of hypermobility in a random group of school aged children in Nigeria. Healthcare. 11(8):1092. doi:10.3390/healthcare11081092

Kalu M, Okoh A, Okeke C, Anieto EM, Ibekaku M, Abaraogu U (2022). Qualitative research in physiotherapy: A systematic mapping review of 20 years literature from sub-Saharan Africa. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice.29:1-23.

Kalu ME, Okeke C, Nwachukwu E, Okoh A, Akinrolie O, Ezulike CD, Adandom H, Onyeso OK, Egbumike J, Olatunji FD, Ugwuodo EP, Ojembe BU, Adandom II, Anagbaso AJ, Akinrolie OM, Anieto EM, et al. (2022). Methodology and reporting quality of 544 studies related to ageing: a continued discussion in setting priorities for ageing research in Africa. Journal of Global Health Economics and Policy.2:e2022010.

Kalu ME, Ojembe BU, Akinrolie O, Okoh AC, Adandom II, Nwankwo HC, Ajulo MS, Omeje CA, Okeke CO, Uduonu EM, Ezulike JC, Anieto EM, et al. (2021). Setting priorities for ageing research in Africa: A systematic mapping review of 512 studies from sub-Saharan Africa.

Kalu ME, Okoh AC, Nwankwo H, Anieto EM, Adandom I, Jumbo S, Ekezie U, Emoefe D, Akinrolie O, Obi P, Omeje C, Mohammad S, Ajulo M, Opara M, Abaraogu UO (2020). Physiotherapists’ role during hospital-to-home transition for older adults with hip fracture and mobility limitation: A research protocol. International Journal of Care Coordination.

Ibeneme SC, Omeje C, Myezwa H, Ezeofor S, Anieto EM, Irem FO, Nnamani A, Ezenwankwo FE, Ibeneme GC (2019). Effects of physical exercises on cardiopulmonary function in patients living with HIV: a systematic review with meta-analysis. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19(1):359.

Nwaka, II, Onwunzo, CN, Ezeakunne, U, Ezeukwu, AO, Ezugwu, UA, Chigozie, UI, & Anieto, EM (2019). Effect of Aerobic Exercises and Resistance Exercises on Inflammatory Biomarkers and Fatigue in People Living with HIV Infection Undergoing Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy; A Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal, 13(4), 174-179.

Anieto EM, Ativie R, Okafor CJ, Agono J, Onah CV, Ogu UI, Nwadilibe IB, Kalu ME (2019). Knowledge and perception of physiotherapy among clinical students in various health care disciplines of a Nigerian college of medicine and health sciences. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy-An International Journal, 13(3):185-90.

Anieto EM, Nwankwo CA, Jumbo SU, Kalu ME (2018). The effect of aerobic exercises on lipid profile of patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection undergoing highly active antiretroviral therapy: a protocol for a systematic review. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 14:559.

Conference papers

Longworth GR, Agnello DM, Anieto EM, Erikowa-Orighoye O, Restrepo JRZ, Gine-Garriga M, Caroline Masquillier C. Potentials and challenges of using co-creation for public health with people living in socio-economically vulnerable circumstances in LMICs countries. 7th Nordic Development Research Conference, August 21-23, 2023. Platform presentation.

Potterton J, Sidhanee A, Madzimbe P, Makupe P, Anieto EM, Delano P, Geel J, Ranasinghe NR, Challinor J. Hunting for unicorns: paediatric oncology rehabilitation services in Africa. World Physiotherapy Congress Dubai June 2-4, 2023: Poster presentation (ABSTRACTS-WP2023-01148).

Anieto EM, Abaraogu UO, Philippa MD, Christopher S. Co-cREating physical Activity interventions for inTermittEnt claudication- CREATE study. School of Health and Life Science Postgraduate conference, September 15, 2022, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Kalu ME, Okeke C, Nwachukwu E, Okoh A, Akinrolie O, Ezulike CD, Adandom H, Onyeso OK, Egbumike J, Olatunji FD, Ugwuodo EP, Ojembe BU, Adandom II, Anagbaso AJ, Akinrolie OM, Anieto EM, Ekoh PC, Makanjuola JO, Ibekaku MC, Iwuagwu AO, Onyekere CP et al. Methodology and reporting quality of 544 studies related to ageing: a continued discussion in setting priorities for ageing research in Africa. 6th Annual International Conference. Ageing and care in a contemporary global society. November 10-11, 2022, University of Ghana.

Makupe P, Waiswa P, Sidhanee A, Delano P, Brochu A, Geel J, Potterton J, Challinor J, Ranasinghe N, John D, Anieto EM, Madzimbe P. Paediatric oncology rehabilitation in a low resource context: SIOP global mapping and formation of a paediatric oncology rehabilitation task force. International Society of Paediatric Oncology, March 16-18, 2022, Kampala, Uganda.

Sidhanee A, Delano P, Brochu A, Potterton J, John D, Geel J, Challinor J, Ranasinghe N, Anieto EM. Paediatric oncology rehabilitation in a low-resource context: SIOP global mapping Africa & the formation of a global paediatric oncology rehabilitation network. 53rd Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP 2021). Abstract Number: 448.

Anieto EM, Oko A, Okeke CO, Ibekaku M, Abaraogu UO, Kalu ME. Qualitative research in physiotherapy: a systematic mapping review of 20 years literature from sub-saharan africa. World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) World Congress. Online. ABSTRACTS-WCPT2021- 00522. April 9, 2021. Presenter: Anieto EM

Anieto EM, Okoh A, Akinrolie O, Ojembe B, Nwachukwu E, Ibekaku M, Okeke O, Nwankwo H, Ajulo M, Adandom I, Omeje C, Uduonu E, Ezulike C, Diaemeta E, Obi P, Kalu ME. Setting priorities for ageing research in africa: a systematic mapping review of 457 literature from sub-saharan africa. World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) World Congress. Online. ABSTRACTS-WCPT2021- 01461. April 9, 2021.

Anieto EM, Abaraogu UO, Kalu ME. The effects of aerobic exercises on inflammatory markers and depression in people living with HIV undergoing the highly active antiretroviral therapy: A systematic review with meta-analysis. 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019), July 21-24, 2019, Mexico City. https://programme.ias2019.org/Abstract/Abstract/1011.


Ebuka is the Co-founder and Chairman Board of Trustees of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and

Human Development, a non-profit organization whose interest is in assisting young Africans in

developing multi-skill sets that will enable them to thrive despite being in poor resource areas. The

organization has empowered over 150 young Nigerians with digital skills including the use of SPSS,

and Microsoft Excel for data coding and analysis. Ebuka is driven by compassion and love for

humanity and strongly believes that contributing to African and global youth empowerment is his

calling, and to that end, he is committing all necessary resources.


Ebuka is also the Assistant Administrator of the Emerging Researchers and Professionals in Ageing-

African Network (ERPAAN), an organization poised at promoting the development of ageing

research and care of older adults in the sub-Saharan African region. Ebuka assists in fulfilling the

administrative needs of the organisation and collaborates with researchers across the globe for the

synthesis of evidence on ageing research in in the sub-Saharan African region


Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Registered Physiotherapist with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Member of the International Physical Therapists for HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Hospice and Palliative


Member of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy, HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Hospice and Palliative Care


Member of the International AIDS Society.

Member of the Nigerian Federation for Neurorehabilitation.

Member of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy.

Member of the Emerging Researchers and Professionals in Ageing-African Network