
Liam Jenkins

Lecturer in Physiotherapy

+44 (0)1473 338037
School of Allied Health Sciences
Liam Jenkins staff profile photo

Liam Jenkins is a senior physiotherapist who specialises in musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy. Liam has been a qualified physiotherapist and member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) since 2017. Over the years, Liam has developed a passion for sharing knowledge and expertise within his specialist field of physiotherapy.

In 2013, Liam qualified from the then University Campus Suffolk with a degree in Sport and Exercise Science (BSc hons). Immediately after, he began working as a physiotherapy assistant and rehabilitation instructor for a local MSK physiotherapy provider; this is where Liam realised his calling to further his career as a fully qualified physiotherapist. In 2015, Liam studied Physiotherapy MSc (pre-reg) and qualified in 2017. 

Liam believes that therapeutic alliance between healthcare professionals and service users is the key to providing optimised care and working towards collaborative, patient-centred goals.

Prior to becoming a lecturer in Physiotherapy, since 2018 Liam has been a practice placement supervisor and educator. Liam has supported many students during their practice placements, often supporting multiple students at a time, providing valuable teaching and clinical experience.

Liam is also due to undertake a post graduate qualification in teaching. 

Liam has worked within healthcare and the physiotherapy environment for 10 years and counting. In this time there have been many positive and also challenging experiences. These experiences have helped to shape his knowledge and understanding of physiotherapy as a profession, but also healthcare as a whole. 

Liam has engaged with many healthcare trusts who deliver musculoskeletal physiotherapy and other care services across the East of England. Working alongside these trusts provides valuable insight into differences of service delivery and local pathways. Between 2021 and 2022, Liam worked in a corporate role alongside his clinical role. This role was heavily based around promoting the role of digital within physiotherapy, and service improvement projects for local physiotherapy providers. 

Liam has a special interest in the shoulder and shoulder-based pathologies. He has attended yearly conferences with orthopaedic consultants working within the East of England and London. These conferences provide expert clinical management workshops, complex case scenarios, an opportunity to discuss and critically appraise current and recent clinical trials and studies. It is also an opportunity to engage within any research that is currently running within the local healthcare trusts.

AHP Suffolk: ongoing clinical experience and working within a community interest company (CIC).

Liam held the role of Clinical Information Officer for AHP Suffolk between 2021 and 2022: using digital to enhance patient experience and using digital in innovative ways to improve service delivery.

Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (MCSP)

Member of the Healthcare Professionals Council (HCPC)