
Dr Laura Reeves

Research Associate in Leadership Academy

+44 (0)1473 338690
School of Technology, Business and Arts
Laura Reeves ORCID
Laura Reeves staff profile photo

Laura has successfully completed her PhD in Management Studies at The Open University (2021). Since Laura has been successful in securing a prestigious transition 1 Early Career grant awarded by The British Academy of Management (2023-2024) where she is leading a qualitative project which explores the impact agile working arrangements have on managerial belonging. She is also active in pursuing further funding to continue to develop her interest around post-menopausal careers.

Laura continues her interest in researching precarious events with her PhD concentrating on impacts of Brexit within the UK on migrant work. She has also developed a keen interest in understanding how organisations can practice effective inclusivity for marginalised and/or under-represented groups through exploring lived experienced of different groups of workers and considering alternative leadership approaches. Her areas of research include leadership and management studies, well-being, women’s health and careers, and the impact of identity and belonging, issues of dialectics and wicked problems at work.

  • Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PGCAP) – Teaching
  • Fellowship (FHEA) awarded by Advance HE (2023)
  • PhD Management Studies (2021)
  • LLM Law (2015); BA Hons Business and Law (2014)

  • Identity and belonging in organisational contexts
  • Alternative forms of leadership
  • Paradox, dialectics and wicked problems
  • Qualitative and creative methods/methodologies 

  • Reeves, L. and Bristow, A. (2024) Political organisational silence and ethics of care: EU migrant restaurant workers in Brexit Britain. Journal of Business Ethics. DOI:  
  • Reeves, L. and Rigg, C. (in press) Managerial belonging: The positive side of hybrid work. The HR Director.
  • Reeves, L. and Rigg, C. (in press) Post-menopausal careers: What happens next? The HR Director.
  • Reeves, L. and Bell, E. (in progress) Bubbles of belonging at work: Redrawing boundaries of inclusion and exclusion in UK restaurants during Brexit. Target journal: Work, Employment and Society.
  • Reeves, L. and Rigg, C. (in progress) Conducting realist interviews: Conceptualising qualitative interviews techniques as both/and. Target journal: International Journal of Social Research Methodology.
  • Reeves, L., Rigg, C. and Thuku, D. (in progress) Collectively leading: The imbrication of human and material agency. Target journal: Leadership.