
Meredith Bowles

Visiting Professor in Architecture

School of Technology, Business and Arts

Meredith is the Founding Director of Mole Architects Ltd, established 1998. Mole Architects is a leading practice designing low energy, contemporary buildings, with a particular emphasis on regional character.

He is:

Chair of RIBA Awards Eastern Region 2020

Co-chair on the Cambridge Quality Panel

Co-chair of the Suffolk Design Review Panel

Incoming Chair of the Cambridge Forum for the Construction Industry  

Isaac Newton Design Fellow, University of Cambridge 2007-2010

External Examiner Nottingham University (March) 2018-2022

Trustee of the Cambridge Forum for the Construction Industry since 2006

Cambridge Association of Architects Chair 2002-2005

RIBA Regional Council member 2004-2005

RIBA National Awards group 2011-15

RIBA Part III, Examination in Professional Practice (Merit)

RIBA Part II, Architectural Association Diploma

RIBA Part I, BA(Hons First Class), Sheffield University

External Examiner:

Nottingham University: MA Architecture 2018-current

Sheffield Hallam University: BA Architecture and Environmental Design 2013-2016

Studio Tutor

The University of Cambridge BA Architecture 2004-2011

Sheffield University BA Architecture 2000-2003

South Bank University London BA Architecture 1995-1996



Universities of Cambridge, Sheffield, West of England, UCL Bartlett, CASS, Architectural Association

RIBA East, Gloucester, Bedfordshire, Yorkshire, North Wales, RIAS.


Conference Presentations

Student Passivhaus, RIBA Guerilla Tactics, RIAI Annual Conference Dublin, TRADA, Eastern Arts,  Arch Foundation Australia, Ecobuild, Grand Designs

Design Review

Chair Jury RIBA East Awards 2020

Deputy Chair of the Cambridgeshire Quality Panel 2008-

Co-Chair of the Suffolk Design Review Panel 2012-

Member of the RIBA National Awards Group 2012-2016

Jury Chair RIBA House of the Year 2017



BBC2 The 100K House 2016

Channel 4 Grand Designs House of the Year 2017