
Dr Paul Andell

Associate Professor in Criminology

+44 (0)1473 338514
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Paul Andell ORCID
Paul Andell staff profile photo

Dr Paul Andell has more than 25 years experience of working in the criminal justice field. He has worked in the statutory, voluntary and private sectors undertaking criminal justice related work in practice, policy and research.  Paul's former practice was in Probation and Youth Justice in East London, he later worked as a Consultancy Manager for NACRO and Matrix Knowledge. Paul was Head of the Criminal Defence Service for the Legal Services Commission, has worked as a Performance Advisor for the Ministry of Justice, Community Safety Manager for the Greater London Assembly and was Director of Communities for a Youth Leadership Charity, Brathay. Paul was recently awarded a fellowship from the British Academy.

Paul is Course Leader for the MA in Criminology, Crime and Victimisation on which he teaches, Theories of Crime and Deviance, Collaborative Working and Partnerships, Deviant Youth Groups and Gangs and Dissertation Supervision. Paul also contributes to undergrad teaching and is module  leader for Victimology and Drugs and Society. Paul supervises PhD projects in the fields of Youth Crime and Gangs, Alternative Economies and Victimisation and Vulnerability.

Research interests include:

Youth Offending, Youth Justice and Youth Leadership. Gangs, Community Safety and Drugs.


Selected publications (see ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4879-4204 for full listing)

Peer Reviewed 

Andell P. and J.McMannus (2002) Addressing Local Drug Markets. Safer Communities. London, Willan.

Andell P. and Pitts J. (2017) Preventing the violent and sexual victimisation of vulnerable-gang involved and gang-affected children and young people in Ipswich. A Report for Suffolk’s Public Health and Community Safety Team.  ISBN 978-1-913160-04-3

Andell P. (2017) Developing a Context for Change in Gang Affected Neighbourhoods. Procedia of Economics and Business Administration.

Andell P. and Pitts J. (2018) The End of the Line? The Impact of County Lines Drug Distribution on Youth Crime in a Target Destination. Youth and Policy.

Andell P. (2019) Addressing County Lines : Praxis for Community Safety Practitioners. Safer Communities, London. Emerald.

Andell P. (2019) Thinking Seriously About Gangs.Towards a Critical Realist Approach. London, Sydney Palgrave (Monograph). https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9783030128906 (Nominated for British Society of Criminology Book Award 2020)

Andell P.  (2019) Theory into practice: County Lines, violence and changes to drug markets. Youth and Policy. 

Andell P. (2020) Gangs, Violence and County lines; in Lane et al. Ed. International Handbook on Collective Violence: Current Issues and Perspectives, London. Routledge

Andell P. (2021) Utilising Southern Criminology in the Overstandings of English Gang Research in Brotherton, D. C. and Gude R.Ed. International Handbook of Critical Gang Studies. London Routledge (forthcoming)

Andell P. James D. and D. Rup Maiter (2021) County lines and changes to the middle markets in the UK. Ed. Ayers T. Understanding Drug Dealing and Illicit Drug Markets in the 21st Century: National and International Perspectives. London Routledge. (Forthcoming)

P. Andell and Pitts J. (2021) The UK Handbook of Youth Gangs. London, Sydney Palgrave (Forthcoming)


Recent Conference Papers

Virtual 2020: The Investigator - County Lines Lessons for Practice

Virtual 2020 Romania Bucharest - Southern Criminology in the Global North

Columbia, Bogata: 2019: Utilising Southern Criminology in the Global North

Slovenia, Ljubljana: 2018: Changes in Local Drug Markets

Bosnia, Sarajevo: 2018. County lines. New drug dealing networks? 

Bucharest, Romania: 2017. Developing a Context for Change in Gang Affected Neighbourhoods. Norfolk and Suffolk 2017: Probation Conference. County Lines Reflections on Practice

Essex 2017: County Lines Reflections on Practice Early Help Conference

Cardiff 2017: County Lines an Action Research Model Europe. European Society of Criminology

Challenging ‘Crime’ and ‘Crime Control’ in Contemporary Misunderstandings in Realism and Amsterdam 2015: Epistemic Fallacies: An Exploration of the UK Gangs Thesis. International Cultural Criminology Conference

Athens 2014: Gang Call In’s and Policy Transfer. John Jay College of Criminal Justice International Conference

London 2013: Gangs and Sexual Exploitation. London Probation Service. Sexual Exploitation Conference e Safety

Paul has a significant experience in training for Criminal Justice Professionals and was previously a CPD Trainer for Ambessa Training.


Paul has provided training in County lines for Probation Officers, Early Help Teams, School Governors and Investigators.


Paul was a Script Advisor for the BBC Soap East Enders.


Paul has delivered consultancy projects for Home Office, Rugby House, West Yorkshire Police, Lambeth Gangs Team.

Paul is a member or the international research group, Eurogangs. He is also a member of European Society of Criminology. Paul presents regularly at international conferences.

Fellow Higher Education Academy.

Member of the Howard League

Member of the British Society of Criminology

Member of the Independent Advisory Group EQUAL

Member of the All Party Political Group Alcohol Drugs and Crime

Paul has a commendation from the Violent Crime Directorate of the Home Office.