
Dr Duncan Weaver

Course Leader MA International Relations and Course Leader Criminology

+44 (0)1473 338945
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Duncan Weaver ORCID
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After studying International Relations and Security, Duncan Weaver interned at the internal oversight unit of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and then served in law enforcement. Before joining Suffolk, Duncan was Senior Instructor in Police Education (Anglia Ruskin), Lecturer in Crime, Terrorism and Global Security (City College Norwich), and Graduate Teaching Assistant in International Relations (Keele). He holds a BA and PhD (Keele), MScEcon (Aberystwyth) and a teaching qualification (Suffolk New College).

Duncan writes about two related problems in domestic and international society: (a) the challenge of making state governance more cosmopolitan and 'humankind'; and (b) the geopolitical susceptibility of marginal spaces and actors. His concern for overcoming marginality sits between critical geopolitics and the English School of international relations. Prospective PhD students are encouraged to make contact, should their interests fall within these areas.

Duncan is a keen advocate of widening participation. He has witnessed the benefits of vocational and applied teaching for students, employers and higher education institutions. He has enjoyed designing, mobilising and delivering security-related curricula in traditional and post-1992 universities, plus the 'HE-in-FE' mixed economy sector.

Contracted books:

Weaver, D. (2023) The Aarhus Convention: Towards Environmental Solidarisation. Palgrave.


Weaver, D. (2024) 'Extinction Rebellion: Greening Vanguardism?', Social Movement Studies, 23(1), 113-121.

Weaver, D. (2022) 'Project Kraken: surveillance and liminality 'on the edge' of land and water', Geopolitics, 27(1), 333-359.

Weaver, D. (2020) 'Wakhan: concomitance of the local and international in marginal boundaries', Geopolitics, 25(5), 1168-1198.

Weaver, D. (2020) 'Spatiality and world politics' in N. Sandal (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of International Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-37. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.562

Weaver, D. (2020) 'William of Rubruck: cosmopolitan curiosity and restraint in an age of conquest and mission', Comparative Civilizations Review, 83, 44-66.

Weaver, D. (2018) 'The Aarhus Convention and process cosmopolitanism', International Environmental Agreements, 18(2), 199-213.

Invited policy interventions:

Weaver, D. (2020) 'Project Kraken at 13', Safe Seas: Research Network for Maritime Security and Ocean Governance.

Conference Papers:

'Artificial intelligence and UK freedom of information law', with Dr Sean Whittaker, Centre for Freedom of Information Annual Conference, University of Dundee Law School, 2024.
'Avocado politics and (dark) green histories: manifestations of ecofascism old and new', with Professor Nigel South, British Society of Criminology Conference, Strathclyde, 2024.
'Dawn of a new information frontier: Aarhus Convention Articles 4 and 5, and Artificial Intelligence', with Dr Sean Whittaker, University of Dundee Law School research seminar, 2024.
'Aarhus Convention Article 3.7 and Arctic International Forums', Critical Arctic Studies Symposium, Lapland, 2023.
'Environmental solidarisation: lessons from the Aarhus Convention', EISA Pan European Conference, Potsdam, 2023.
'Designing out injustice: lessons from the Aarhus Convention', Together for Transformation, Suffolk, 2023.

'William of Rubruck', British International Studies Association early career conference, Portsmouth, 2019.

'Greening Realism', Edinburgh University realism workshop, Edinburgh, 2013.

'Global Ontologies', Aberystwyth-Lancaster Colloquium, Keele, 2013.

'Critical National Infrastructure Protection', Theoretical Currents II, Lincoln, 2012.

I am able to consult on (a) multi-stakeholder governance arrangements such as the Aarhus Convention and (b) geopolitical risk. I have previously attended, on invitation, a multi-stakeholder planning conference, ahead of UK maritime security reform. On the latter issue, I have provided commentary to local and national media.