
Dr Mark Bowler

Course Leader in Wildlife, Ecology and Conservation Science

+44 (0)1473 338040
School of Allied Health Sciences
Mark Bowler ORCID
Mark Bowler staff profile photo

Mark works on wildlife distributions and the effects that human activity has on animal populations. He is also active in science communication and conservation. Current projects include: the spatial ecology of primates and other Amazonian mammals, bioacoustic wildlife surveys, camera trap surveys, bat activity in suburban and agricultural landscapes.

  • The spatial ecology of mammals
  • Human impacts on wildlife in Amazonia
  • Primate ecology and behaviour
  • Citizen science in ecology and conservation.

Recent projects in the Peruvian Amazon include; camera trapping in rainforest canopies to monitor arboreal wildlife populations, remote audio monitoring for gunshots and wildlife, GPS tracking indigenous hunters, monitoring the effects of logging and hunting on wildlife populations, and tracking the expansion of giant otter populations. Mark also works on community conservation projects in the Amazon rainforest, working with local people to find sustainable solutions to logging and reducing hunting of vulnerable species.