
Nishtha Lamba (ISJC)

Visiting Senior Fellow in Trauma and Marginalised Communities

Research Directorate

Nishtha Lamba holds a PhD and MPhil in Psychology from University of Cambridge. She is a behavioural scientist specialising in psychological health and social policy informed by both quantitative and qualitative analytical skills. She also holds a BA in Psychology and Sociology from Hunter College, City University of New York. Currently, she is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Founder and Head of Social Psychology Research Lab at Middlesex University Dubai. As the Head of the lab, she collaborates on research administered on under-represented samples and multi-cultural studies.

Her research is at the intersection of studying mental health of marginalised communities and trauma in the context of South Asia. She takes keen interest in gender issues rooted in South Asia. For her PhD, she examined prenatal bonding and psychological health of surrogate mothers in India. As an academic she prioritises engaging with the public and is writing a research based popular book narrating experiences and growth of trauma survivors in India. She has featured on BBC radio, Harvard Crimson, BBC Family Tree, and written research-based articles for Open Magazine, The Hindu, Indian Express, and Scroll.in.

Forthcoming book:

  • Lamba., N. Trauma Nation (Working Title). Manuscript in preparation. India. Aleph Book Company.


Research output

  • Natoli, A.,..Lamba,N.., … Lapalme, M. (2022). Multi-National Evaluation of the Measurement Invariance of the Level of Personality Functioning Scale – Brief Form 2.0: Comparison of Student and Community Samples Across Seven Countries. Psychological Assessment (in press).
  • Lamba, N. Van Tonder, A., Raghavan., A. (2022). Unpacking qualitative methodology to explore challenges and support structures of mothers with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the UAE. International Journal of Qualitative Methods (10.1177/16094069221110295).
  • Lamba, N., et al., (2022) Understanding the impact of cross-cultural friendships and residency status on multicultural attitudes: A UAE perspective. International Journal of Sustainable Society (in press).
  • McHugh, C., Zhang, R., Karnatak, T., Lamba, N., Khokhlova, O. (2022). Just wrong? Or just WEIRD? Investigating the prevalence of Moral Dumbfounding in non-western samples. Journal of cross-cultural psychology (Revisions submitted).
  • Lamba, N., Van Tonder A, Shrivastava, A., Raghavan, A. (2022). Exploring experiences of mothers with children with Autism in the United Arab Emirates. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 120, 104138.
  • Lamba, N. Bhatia, A., Srivastava, A., Raghavan, A. (2021). Religious factors affecting death anxiety in older adults practicing Hinduism. Death Studies, 1-9.
  • Khokhlova, O. Lamba, N., Bhatia, A. Vinogradova, M. (2021). Biowarfare conspiracy, faith in government, and compliance with safety guidelines during COVID-19: An International ¹ú²úÊÓƵ. Mind & Society. 20(2), 235-251.
  • Moustakas E., Lamba N., Mahmoud, D., Ranganathan, C. (2020) 'Blurring lines between fiction and reality: Perspectives of experts on marketing effectiveness of virtual influencers'. IEEE Cyber Science.
  • Moustakas, E., Ranganathan, C., Lamba, N. (2020). Virtual Influencers in Digital Marketing: Innovative trend or Passing fad? In Current trends in Business Management in Advanced and Emerging Markets'. Nova Publishers: New York, US.
  • Jadva, V., Vilsbol, T., Ayed, N., Imrie, S., Jones, C.M., Lamba, N.,….& Zadeh, S., (2019). The ART of performance: engaging young people with assisted reproductive technologies. International Journal of Science Education, Part B9(2), pp.128-139.
  • Lamba, N., Jadva, V., (2018). Indian surrogates: Their psychological well-being and experiences in Cross Cultural Perspectives on Surrogacy and Gamete Donations. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lamba, N., Jadva, V., Kadam, K., Golombok, S. (2017). The psychological well-being and prenatal bonding of gestational surrogates. Human reproduction, 4, 646-653.
  • Yearwood, M. H., Cuddy, A., Lamba, N., et al., (2015). On wealth and the diversity of friendships: High social class people around the world have fewer international friends. Personality and Individual Differences, 87, 224-229.
  • Jadva, V., Lamba, N., Kadam, K., Golombok, S. (2015). Indian egg donors’ characteristics, motivations and feelings towards the recipient and resultant child. Reproductive Biomedicine & Society Online, 2, 98-103.
  • Lange-Küttner, C., Averbeck, B. B., Hirsch, S. V., Wießner, I., Lamba, N. (2012). Sequence learning under uncertainty in children: self-reflection vs. self-assertion. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 127.

  • Featured as an expert in the field of cross-border surrogacy. (2022). BBC. Family Tree
  • Featured as expert for research in the field of mental health and religion. (2021) PsyPOST     
  • Does the coronavirus pandemic carry signs of a generational trauma? (2020) Scroll.in              
  • The resonance of Sushant Singh: A sociological and psychological exploration. (2020) The Indian Express
  • How can education shape the future happiness and well-being of students? (2019) Edarabia
  • Featured as an expert on commercial surrogacy in South Asia. (2017) BBC Radio
  • Why ban commercial surrogacy? (2016) The Hindu Business Line
  • New Surrogacy Policy: Great Leap Backwards. (2016) OPEN Magazine
  • Featured as an expert regarding research on social class and social media. (2015) Harvard Crimson
  • Selling womb for some ‘baby cash’. (2014) Oxford University India Policy Blog