
Research Interests Directory

Waterfront Building and the marina

The ¹ú²úÊÓƵ is very proud to be home to a vibrant and dynamic research community with a wide range of internationally recognised expertise. As evidenced by the excellent outcome from our REF2021 submission, we have successfully made a very real and positive impact on the wider community through engaging policy makers and wider stakeholders and the public in our research. This is essential for achieving our highly impactful research strategy. 

Working effectively with the media enables our professoriate and leading academic staff to share their expert knowledge on important issues, get research evidence into political debate, policy decisions and public conversations and highlights the important work our researchers are undertaking here in Suffolk. 

Our current research priorities focus on our areas of distinctiveness, as they are reflected in the ¹ú²úÊÓƵ Research Interests brochure. 

  • Social justice and crime
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Sustainability
  • Digital futures
  • Education
  • Leadership and management
  • Heritage and culture 

We are committed to sharing our knowledge, resources, and skills with the public, and to listening to and learning from the expertise and insight of the different communities with which we engage. 

For any research related enquiries, please contact: researchoffice@uos.ac.uk 

For any media related enquiries, please contact: press@uos.ac.uk 

Social Justice and Crime

Contact Research Interests
Professor Emma Bond

Online risk and vulnerable groups 

Image-based abuse (sexting and revenge pornography) Online harassment 

Domestic abuse and sexual abuse 

Professor Jo Finch

Social work Child protection 

Disability (learning and physical) Widening participation 

Prevent Domestic abuse 

Professor Miranda Horvath


Violence against women and girls 

Criminal justice responses to VAWG - particularly policing, lads mags, multiple perpetrator rape, pornography, and young people 

Professor Sarah Richards

International adoption policy 

Methodological and ethical debates on research with children 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Paul Andell


Violent gangs Child exploitation Drugs 

Alternative economies Youth justice 

Race and disproportionality Community safety Community development 

Dr Linda Maguire

Violence Against Women and Girls, including sexual violence and domestic abuse

Police officer learning, development and wellbeing

Veterans in the criminal justice system

Access and participation in the higher education system


Contact Research Interests
Dr Isabella Calder Police and Prison Service 
Dr Maureen Haaker

Theoretical explorations focusing on subjectivity, constructions of the body 

Reproductive politics to methodological 

Ethical issues of data management of qualitative data 

Dr Alina Rzepnikowski Phillips 




Racism and xenophobia

Conviviality and gender 

Dr Shamser Sinha

Asylum and refugees including separated and unaccompanied young people 

Young migrants undocumented migrants 

Young people’s experiences of education in rural Suffolk Sexual health and young people 

Dr Reilly Willis

Human rights

Social media 

US law, other possible areas of law 

Kwabena Frimpong Manso


Senior Research Fellows

Contact Research Interests
Dr Katherine Allen

Sexual/gender-based violence 

The evolution of feminist ending violence movements Feminist and social epistemology 

Philosophy of literature, mind, and the emotions 

Research Fellows

Contact Research Interests
Dr Megan Hermolle

Law, feminism, and crime, centring on rape stereotype acceptance amongst those populations 

Evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice in police interviewing, jury education, and courts’ use of rape stereotypes 

Katie Tyrrell

Wellbeing across the lifespan Youth justice 

Youth unemployment 

Revenge pornography Online abuse 

Contact Research Interests
Dr Duncan Weaver

Global security 

State governance 

Marginal actors

Dr Scott Huntley


Dr Xiaorong Gu



Health and Wellbeing

Contact Research Interests
Professor Valerie Gladwell

Physical activity and sedentary behaviour Whole system approach 

Workplace wellbeing 

Influence of the environment on wellbeing Physiology 

Professor Ruth Strudwick

Interprofessional working 

Clinical education and practice-based learning Values-based practice 

Ethnographic research and work-based culture 

Professor Penny Cavenagh

Health Management 



Professor Paula Kersten


Outcome measurement in health and care

Models of care


Professor Sarah Corrie

Cognitive behavioral therapy and coaching Cognitive behavioral couple therapy 

Case formulation 

Decision-making in professional practice and supervision in therapy and coaching 



Contact Research Interests
Dr Marco Beato

Sports science 

Strength and conditioning 

Dr Sam Chenery-Morris Midwifery education knowledge, specifically related to student’s learning and assessment in clinical practice 
Dr Andrew Clifton

Mental Health

Gender and Nursing 

Nursing and Healthcare 

Dr Noreen Cushen-Brewster


Practice development

Interprofessional working 

Clinical education and practice-based learning 


Dr Gavin Devereux

Body’s responses and adaptations to exercise

Air pollution and exercise 

Dr Fandi Ibrahim

Nutrition and Health 

Probiotics, Prebiotics, dietary fibre and gut microbiota

Functional bowel disorders 


Food Intolerances 

Dr Federica Masieri

Stem cell biology

Regenerative medicine


In vitro systems

Musculoskeletal cell biology

Women in STEM 

Equal representation in science 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Emmanouil Georgiadis

Health Psychology



Health Promotion and Health Literacy 

Psychology Informed Medical Treatment

Psychophysiology of Health and Exercise 

Anxiety Regulation, Heart Rate Variability Applications 

Dr Nick Tucker



Cystic Fibrosis microbiology


Molecular Biology



Dr Mikael Jamil

Performance in football

Predictive modelling

Discrimination in sport

Sports economics 

Dr Abbie Millett

Cognitive psychology

Theory of mind

Perspective taking 

Visual cognition, gaze cuing, phobias

Wellbeing in the community 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Edward Holmes


Conversation analysis 

Membership categorization analysis 

Dr Rob Southall-Edwards
Physical activity
Health & wellbeing
Whole systems approach.
Exercise recovery & adherence
Dr Abigail Webb
Facial emotion recognition/processing
Virtual reality/Virtual reality in the arts
Digital accessibility
Digital divide
Using digital technologies to bring people together
Using digital technologies to reach underserved audiences
Emily ONeill
Neurosensory Sciences
Improve retinal assessments for children with rare metabolic conditions
Dr Ella Malloy

Sports and exercise science Sport psychology

Dr Ruby Farr

The impact of the environment, social networks, and socioeconomic factors on human behaviour and happiness


Contact Research Interests
Dr Ella Malloy

Sports and exercise science

Sport psychology 



Contact Research Interests
Professor Darryl Newport

Alternative energy systems 

Sustainable construction through alternative material use

Natural resource management including resource efficiency 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Mark Bowler Wildlife distributions and behavioural ecology especially in the Amazon Rainforest 
Dr Marco Spada

Interaction of the built environment and culture 


Sustainable and inclusive cities 

Urban redevelopment 

Dr Nick Tucker




Sustainable Bioprocessing

Water quality


Contact Research Interests
Dr Alison Pooley

Almshouses housing


Housing policy 

Broad climate change as it impacts community/resilience

Architectural education 

Dr Hannah Steventon

Contaminant hydrogeology and contaminated land

Air and water quality 

Internet of things, smart house, smart city/connected places/smart infrastructure 

Environmental data and sensing/technology 



Contact Research Interests
Dr Hei Sung



Conservation Science 

Impacts of human activity on endangered species 


Digital Futures

Contact Research Interests
Professor Mohammad Dastbaz

Multimedia systems

Green Information


Building Sustainable Futures Technology 

Professor Nicholas Caldwell

Artificial intelligence

Cyber Security 

Data Analytics 

Human Computer Interaction and Inclusive Design

Knowledge Management 

Process Modelling and Engineering Change Management

Scanning Electron Microscopy 

Software Engineering

Professor Stuart Harmer
Remote Sensing; 
Electromagnetic Scattering; 
Antenna Design; 
Human Vision; 
Information Theory; 
Quantum Mechanics


Contact Research Interests
Dr Adam Clayden

Vision science

Game development 

Dr Adnane Ez-zizi

Educational data mining and AI

Cognitively inspired AI

Reinforcement learning

Statistical methodology

Natural language processing 

Computational modelling of human behaviour 

Dr Chris Lewington

Ethics, bias, and the law in computer science

Data privacy 

Social engineering 


Dr Felix Ngobigha

Electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering with applications on weather radars and remote sensing

Microwave and antenna theory 

Wireless systems development

High-level digital design 

Network modelling and simulations 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Salman Ahmed
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Social Media Analytics
AIOps (DevOps applied to AI)

Contact Research Interests
Dr Kakia Chatsiou

How data can be used to improve resilience, maximise accountability and trust, reduce inequalities 

Machine Learning, Deep Learning (multimodal: text, images, video) 

Natural language processing 

Digital Transformation 

Dr Syed Aslam

Artificial Intelligence 


Evolutionary Programming 

Computer Networks 

Software development 

Dr Shahroz Nadeem

Data science 

Detection of violence in synthetic imagery 

Image steganography and deblurring 

Super resolution 

Dr Syed Jan

Energy-efficient data aggregation 

Wireless sensor networks 

Dr Muhammad Waqar

Cyber security 

Cloud Computing and 5G cloud networks 

Data communications 


Malware analysis 

Dr Godwin Dzvapatsva

Information and Communications

Technologies for Development 

Mobile learning environments 

Social Networks 



Contact Research Interests
Dr Cristian Dogaru

Child (human) development

Special needs and disabilities


Social Sciences research methodology

Systematic Review methodology 

Dr Ivana Lessner Listiakova

Inclusive education

Learning support 

Sensory processing difficulties

Sensory strategies 

Holistic approaches to wellbeing and learning 

Creative arts therapies and interventions, including art and dramatherapy 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Javiera Atenas

Academic development 

Critical data literacy and data ethics

Open and Digital education policy for HE 

Dr Pere Ayling


Post-colonial studies

Social class (re)production

Elite studies 

International education 

Dr Marianna Stella


Learning difficulties

Primary education

Inclusive education 

Dr Pallawi Sinha

Childhood and youth studies Sociology and politics of childhood 

Arts-based, participatory, and socially engaged methods International and comparative education 

Educational histories and philosophies 

Ethics and politics of education and research 

Kelly-Marie Taylor

Childhood studies 

Children’s rights 

Moral panics and digital technologies 

Digital landscapes of contemporary childhood



Contact Research Interests


Business, Management and Leadership

Contact Research Interests
Dr Diane Keeble-Ramsay

Individual/institutional behaviour and policy-making

Work identity: individual/organisational 


Dr Will Thomas


Work identity: individual/organisational

Individual/institutional behaviour and policy-making

Dr Tom Vine


Work identity: individual/organisational 

Methodologies for organisation research and evaluation

Dr Fran Hyde

Consumer behaviour 

Non-profit Organisation marketing 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Adetola Adekunle HRM/employee relations 
Dr Efe Imiren Entrepreneurship Digitalisation 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Laura Reeves


Work identity: individual/Organisational

HRM/employee relations 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Muhammed Mahmoud

Accounting and finance 

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting 

Company analysis and valuation 

Dr Rasem Qudaih

Digital Business 

Big Data 

Artificial Intelligence 


Dr Obinna Ejiogu Human Resources Management 


Heritage and Culture

Contact Research Interests
Professor Brian McCook

Central and East European history and politics (e.g., Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine) 

American history and politics (including elections, migration, refugees, citizenship (and comparative government policy towards such)) 

World War II history 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Mark Edwards

Contemporary landscape photography and 18th century

British landscape painting, specialising in Gainsborough and Constable 

Dr Amanda Hodgkinson

The representation of family relationships and narrative identity with a focus on historical fiction and the importance of place 

The role of memory in writing fiction and poetry 

Dr Harvey Osborne

History and Heritage 

Rural, agricultural, and environmental history since 1750 Crime and protest, field-sports, fish, and fisheries 

Oral history and the impact of the Great War 

Dr Michael Sauter

Euclidean geometry in European thought and culture between 1350 and 1850 

Religion, cartography, and madness in Renaissance culture 

European libraries in colonial Latin America and the global spatial imagination 

Intellectual history, the history of science, race and gender, the history of visual culture, digital humanities 

Dr Nicola Foster
How cultural value is constructed through visual works, curatorial practices and art institutions 
Visual arts and creative practice-based research


Contact Research Interests
Dr Susan Barnet Overlooked and obsolete aspects of daily life from collected reflections on individual experience 
Noel Bowler The idea of ‘the institution’ (In a global sense) and the effects of change and circumstance on these institutions 
Dr Keith Ruiter

Viking-Age and medieval history and culture

Comparative and interdisciplinary approaches to law, legalism, self-regulation, normativity, transgression, and punishment 

Personhood and identity in the past 

Public and digital history, digital humanities, games, and gamification 

Dr Jane Watt

The negotiation and involvement of people and place by artists 

Dr Lindsey Scott

Adaptation studies

Children’s literature 

Gothic horror, particularly in children’s/young-adult popular culture 

Dr Darragh Martin

Climate change and literature, 

the novel, 

children’s literature, 

modern drama, 

Shakespeare and adaptation, 

the teenager in literature, and arts and activism 


Contact Research Interests
Dr Jenny Amos

Accent and dialect analysis and documentation

Focus on varieties of the South 

Dr Louise Carter Early modern period through to the present 
Dr John Greenacre

The development of warfare during the twentieth century


The landscape and environment


British fishing industry 

Dr Andrea Smith

Early Modern Literature  



Radio dramatisation 

Dr Matthew Bowman

Art History 

North American and European Art of 20th and 21st century 

Continental and Analytic Philosophy 

Methodologies of art-historical writing 

Dr Vassiliki Tzomaka

Printing processes  

Illustration techniques 

Nonfiction picture books 

Environmental awareness, conservation and the celebration of cultural diversity.

Dr Helena Bacon
Gothic and horror film and fiction and their socio-political work and contexts; 
Western film genre
Representation in contemporary television, film, and literature
Animation film studies