

CPD/Short Course

Research Methods

Magnifying glass
Course details table
Level: Level 7
Duration: Three months, with fortnightly sessions.
Date: March to June
Location: Ipswich


This module aims to provide an overview of research methodologies and methods that are used to investigate the behavioural, social and biomedical sciences relevant to health, social care and health education. The module is based on our understanding of published research, its analysis and interpretation, strengths and limitations. You will develop your theoretical, methodological knowledge and research skills to enhance your ability to conduct research. The sound analytical conclusions drawn from that work will form the basis for the development of effective service delivery in health and social care organisations.  

  1. To develop a critical capacity in the students with respect to the articulation of the philosophical underpinnings of research methodologies and select and develop appropriate qualitative and quantitative research methods.
  2. To develop in the students a critical respect for the diversity of research methodologies and analyses found in the field of healthcare education ranging from the social sciences to the biomedical and physical sciences.
  3. To prepare students to participate in designing and carrying out research projects which cross traditional professional boundaries.
  4. To offer the students the opportunity to produce a pragmatic and realistic research proposal for an applied research project.

This module is a pre-requisite before the masters dissertation module. It can be taken as a standalone module for students who wish to explore the research process and methodology and methods. It could be undertaken to revise knowledge in advance of engaging in research as a new researcher.

You will develop an advanced ability to articulate the philosophical underpinnings of research methodologies and methods and select and develop appropriate qualitative and quantitative research methods.  You will also develop a critical understanding of the diversity of research methodologies and analyses found in the field of healthcare research, ranging from the social sciences to the biomedical and physical sciences. You will then participate in designing a research project, and justify the approaches proposed.

By the end of the module, you will be able to demonstrate an appreciation of and critically discuss a wide range of methodological approaches and understand their application to research problems. You will also be able to rigorously search for and critically appraise published research evidence and appraise the ethical and political dimension of the research process where appropriate.
You will demonstrate the ability to accurately communicate research findings, both verbally and in writing, and be able to formulate a pragmatic and realistic research proposal for a new research project.

A research active healthcare system is crucial for the development of improved practice, better patient outcomes, the development of vaccines and treatments that have saved millions of lives globally, and more. Supporting evidence-based practice and a research culture can improve the efficiency and efficacy of the care we provide, reducing the pressure on the NHS here in the UK, and other healthcare organisations across the World. All healthcare professionals can play a role in supporting research, from leading studies to helping recruit patients to trials.

Teaching Staff

Dr Rachel Heathershaw

Rachel is an Associate Professor. After completing her registered nurse training she worked predominantly in acute medicine and rehabilitation.

Rachel Heathershaw staff profile photo